
Brazilian jiu-jitsu (BJJ) − Brazilian martial arts derived from ju-jitsu, wrestling and judo, which is distinguished by the emphasis on fighting on the ground floor.

BJJ includes fighting in stand-up, close-up and ground floor. The basic two fighting formulas in BJJ are:

  • fight in gi (kimono),
    fight without gi (submission fighting)

Brazilian jiu-jitsu is focused on fighting with one opponent. The goal of the fight is to take control of an opponent by inflicting controlled pain (levers) or under the threat of unconsciousness - from pain or choking. The fight in Brazilian jiu-jitsu takes place mainly on the ground floor. The tactic is to bring the opponent to the ground floor, immobilize him and perform a finishing technique - leverage or choking, forcing the opponent to surrender or unconsciousness. Brazilian jiu-jitsu players fight in close quarters, which makes it harder for their opponents to strike.

Brazilian jiu-jitsu is based on tricks. The discipline is dominated by levers, chokes and other immobilizing techniques. Strokes do not apply. However, they are practiced by players preparing for mixed martial arts tournaments. Throws are also used to bring the opponent to the ground floor. Grips on the ground floor are often done with your feet by hooking or embracing parts of the opponent's body. One of the elements characteristic of Brazilian jiu-jitsu is the so-called guard. Garda involves embracing the opponent standing or kneeling by a lying player. The so-called the mount, which consists of sitting astride a lying opponent.

In BJJ there is a division into white, blue, purple, brown and black belt. Some schools place an auxiliary division in the form of beams on the belts

Brazilian jiu-jitsu owes its current popularity to several factors. First of all, the effectiveness of the players of this discipline in MMA fights played an important role (hence it began to be one of the basic elements of cross-sectional training also for MMA fighters who do not come from BJJ). In addition, Brazilian jiu-jitsu does not cultivate Eastern tradition or ceremonial, thus attracting people who are not interested in them. The techniques of Brazilian jiu-jitsu create a simple illusion. Also, devoting a large part of training to the fight is appreciated by young people who can show up in direct competition.

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